Vernon Center
Counseling LLC
Daniel J. Vance MS, LPCC
Daniel specializes in working with individuals
with serious and persistent mental illness in
assisted living facilities and nursing homes
and persons with any physical disability trying
to improve their lives. He is patient, caring,
respectful of your challenges, and willing to
On March 1, 2019, Daniel J. Vance began Vernon Center Professional Counseling LLC at 201 East Street South
#14 in Vernon Center, in the former elementary school, sharing the building with GMS Industrial Supplies. His
telephone number is 507-549-3636. Vernon Center is 20 miles south of Mankato right off U.S. Highway 169.

Daniel began his career in professional counseling on July 1, 2011, but the seed was planted in the mid-'80s when he was working
towards his master's degree in counseling in Baltimore. He never finished due to a job opportunity in another field. In 2007, at age 48,
he began studies at Minnesota State University and finished with a master's degree in mental health counseling. He is a Licensed
Professional Clinical Counselor (Minnesota License #958) and for clients utilizing health insurance works and bills through Paragon
Billing. Outside the field of counseling, he has been a nationally self-syndicated newspaper columnist featuring people with disabilities
and for 19 years was editor of Connect Business Magazine. To help facilitate volunteer work involving people with disabilities outside
the field of counseling, in the past, he has been a Certified Christian Worker.

If you prefer a female therapist, Daniel recommends Amanda Gerdts of Footnotes Family Counseling Services of North Mankato or
Michelle Muff of Compassionate Counseling Services of Waseca.


My practice includes individual, couples or family therapy, in addition to my specialties. My primary theoretical orientation is
cognitive-behavioral. However, I am trained in and draw on other approaches, including solution-focused therapy. I also have
experience helping people wanting to integrate their faith into the counseling process.

THE COUNSELING PROCESS: Within the first few sessions, I will interview you to establish a mental health diagnosis, and we will
establish goals for our work and craft a treatment plan likely to help you achieve those goals. Counseling can be effective when
counselor and client work collaboratively. I expect you to come to your sessions on time, complete your homework, and do your
best to talk about the concerns, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings bothering you. Although usually resulting in positive mood,
behavioral, and relationship changes, counseling may also lead to unanticipated, unwanted change. If anything about our counseling
bothers you, I urge you to address your concerns in session.

YOUR RIGHTS: You have the right to full information about your treatment plan and to play an active role in it. You have the right to
be free from being the subject of discrimination on the basis of race, relation, gender, or other categories while receiving services.
You have the right to receive a copy of the code of ethics I follow, ask questions about the counseling process, express concerns,
obtain a second opinion, terminate counseling, and to contact appropriate state and national organizations if you have doubts or
complaints about our work together. My license was issued by the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy. It's at 2829
University Avenue SE Suite 201, Minneapolis MN, 55414-3250. As required by Minnesota statute 144.652, a complete copy of your
client rights is available at all times as a handout in my office.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Confidentiality is maintained as part of the counseling process in accord with my profession's ethical
standards. Your written authorization is required for release of information or records, such as to your physician. Exceptions to
confidentiality are made in the event of court order, or when you are a harm to yourself or others, or when the therapist learns of
suspected abuse of children, people with disabilities, or the elderly. Also, I take progress notes during sessions. You may see these
notes at any time.

FEES, PAYMENTS, AND CANCELLATIONS: My standard cash fee is $130 per hour for a one-hour session. The intake session fee
is $150 for 90 minutes. Payment should be made before you leave each session. No charge will be made for brief telephone
conversations to schedule, change or confirm appointments. If having a Health Savings Account (HSA), you should qualify for
reimbursement, but be sure to check with your HSA first. For cancellations, try to give 48 hours notice.

HEALTH INSURANCE: I currently accept a number of major insurance plans. Please call for verification to make sure I take your
insurance plan.
I do not work directly with your insurance. However, if you request we submit information to your insurance, we
may use and disclose health information about you so the services you receive may be billed to and payment may be collected from
you, an insurance company, or another third party. If you are using health insurance to pay for services, your insurance claims will
be billed through Paragon Billing, which will have access to your personal information and to the date, time, type of service provided,
and other personal information required to bill insurance. It will also store the Electronic Medical Record. Paragon Billing and its
employees are bound by confidentiality rules/HIPAA, and are required to view or use information only as needed to provide services.

COMMUNICATION, INCLUDING POLICIES FOR EMERGENCIES: My office telephone number is 507-549-3636 and email
address is You may leave messages on my voice mail. I regularly check voice mail and email and will reply
soon as possible. If you cannot safely wait for my reply, please go to your nearest hospital emergency room or dial 911.